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Fadel999Avatar border
Status and Alternatives Policy on Indonesia's Bureaucracy

My motive which leads me to bring this topic is that I realize 'bureaucracy' in Indonesia is horrible in many ways. I saw people who coming out of particular room which nobody should have gone there and guy just smirked. I figured something had happened in that particular room where nobody was having their administration processed there. It is full of unnecessary process of administration which often ended in bribery. Bureaucracy as defined by merriam-webster is 'government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority'.

In Indonesia, the practice of bureaucratical administration is extremely worrying. KPK or Corruption Eradication Commission has done nothing significant to the eradication of illegal levies of public services in Indonesia. The concept of depraved bureaucracy in Indonesia is deeply rooted up to the local authorities. In fact, many cases found there is spread to all provinces in Indonesia. Not only gnawing through small local authorities, it also occurs in 'big-fish' or center institution of the state.

One of the ministry in Jokowi's cabinet was alleged by bribery in the process of administration. Jokowi was furious on the media and promised to eradicate those illegal levies of public services in Indonesia. His policy was the establishment of 'Saber Pungli' as an ad-hoc task unit. With the assignment of enforcing a special antiillegal levies unit in every ministry and government institution, the government is also encouraging local administrations to create similar teams, all under the leadership of the central supervision body led by the coordinating political, legal and security affairs minister. It is still premature to judge and call the policy success, but we all should hope that this body will independently eradicate bribery and illegal levies without compromises.

So, do you have any alternatives policy to enhance Saber Pungli or your own ?
Your personal anecdotes/experiences regarding to crappy bureaucratical administration would be fine as well emoticon-Big Grin
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